Evil Dead Rise - Filmkritik - Film - TV SPIELFILM (2024)

Evil Dead Rise - Filmkritik - Film - TV SPIELFILM (1)

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Originaltitel: Evil Dead RiseUS | 2023 | 96 Min. | FSK: 18





Bewertung der Redaktion:

  • Humor
  • Anspruch
  • Action
  • Spannung
  • Erotik


Harter Tobak: vielleicht der grausigste Film der Kultreihe

IMDb-Bewertung: 6,5 von 10

Humor à la „Armee der Finsternis“ war gestern: Im fünften Film der „Tanz der Teufel“-Reihe geht es schockierend ernst zur Sache.

Es beginnt mit einer der berüchtigten Amok-Kamerafahrten der Reihe, und auch die klassische Hütte im Wald kommt vor. Größtenteils spielt die vierte Fortsetzung von „Tanz der Teufel“ (1981) aber in einem halb verlassenen, maroden Hochhaus in Los Angeles. Tätowiererin Ellie und ihre drei Kids zählen zu den letzten Mietern. Eines Abends kreuzt Gitarrentechnikerin Beth auf, Ellies jüngere Schwester. Sie braucht Beistand, weil sie ungewollt schwanger ist.

Als plötzlich ein Erdbeben das Handynetz lahmlegt und eine Loch in den Boden der Tiefgarage reißt, stößt Ellies Teeniesohn Danny auf einen alten Tresorraum, in dem er Grammofonplatten und ein seltsames Buch findet. Er ahnt nicht, was er entfesselt, als er den Fund in die Wohnung der Familie schleppt und eine der Platten auf sein DJ-Pult legt…

Bereits im ersten „Tanz der Teufel“ und im Reboot „Evil Dead“ von 2013 ließen sich die Dämonenattacken als Metapher für psychische Krankheiten deuten, die Beziehungen zerstören. Hier geht es um eine als liebenswert gezeichnete Familie, entsprechend heftig schockt das Blut-Inferno, das Regisseur Lee Cronin mit Gespür für Überraschungen entfesselt. Viele Kultszenen der Reihe zitiert er mit einem eigenen, oft bösartigen Twist.

Cast und Crew von "Evil Dead Rise"


Lily Sullivan
Alyssa Sutherland
Mia Challis
Gabrielle Echols
Jayden Daniels
Tai Wano


Lee Cronin,

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Evil Dead Rise

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Why didn't people like Evil Dead Rise? ›

Evil Dead Rise is a movie that will most likely be forgotten about when discussed amongst it's predecessors, it doesn't have the visual creativity, charm or humor of Sam Raimi's original 1981 classic, and it's also not nearly as visceral or brutal as Fede Alvarez's 2013 remake.

How much fake blood was used in Evil Dead Rise? ›

Writer/director Lee Cronin has told Empire magazine that 6500 liters (or 1717 gallons) of fake blood were sprayed and spilled during the production of his contribution to the Evil Dead franchise, Evil Dead Rise, and some of that blood can be seen in the newly unveiled image from the film, which features a blood-coated ...

Should you watch Evil Dead Rise alone? ›

“Evil Dead Rise” was released in theaters on April 21st, 2023, and is the fifth addition to the Evil Dead series. However, it should be noted that it can be watched and enjoyed just as much as a stand-alone film that both old and new fans can enjoy.

How bad is the gore in Evil Dead Rise? ›

Characters are stabbed, slashed, scalped and bitten by demonic forces. There is a scene with an elevator loaded with blood explodes. Extremely bloody, gory and terrifying.

Why was Evil Dead banned? ›

While the original was beloved by horror fans and became a huge box office hit, the Sam Raimi-directed flick did spark controversy due to its extreme levels of gore and graphic violence – leading it to be banned in several countries including Ireland.

Why is The Evil Dead controversial? ›

Writer Bruce Kawin described The Evil Dead as one of the most notorious splatter films of its day, along with Cannibal Holocaust and I Spit on Your Grave. In the UK, the film was trimmed by 49 seconds before it was granted an X certificate for cinema release.

What movie used 50,000 gallons of blood? ›

During production, Fischbach confirmed that Iron Lung will contain the most fake blood of any horror film, beating 2013 film Evil Dead's 50,000 US gallons (190,000 L); during filming, he went to the hospital due to getting too much fake blood in his eyes.

Did Evil Dead use real blood? ›

We used 6,500 liters [1,717 gallons] of blood on the movie,” he said. “That is real, sticky, cooked movie blood.

Which movie uses the most fake blood? ›

Iconic films like “Evil Dead,” “Chapter Two,” and “Fest” have set records for the most fake blood used on screen, leaving a lasting impact on audiences. “Nightmare on Elm Street” revolutionized horror by blending innovative special effects with gruesome scenes, influencing generations of filmmakers.

Will Evil Dead Rise be a sequel? ›

Can a 17 year old watch Evil Dead Rise? ›

Can I watch Evil Dead Rise in PVR if I am under 18? - Quora. Well, it's Rated-R, meaning no one under 18 should watch it. I'd say it kinda depends on how many years you are under 18. If you're 17, 16 or maybe even 15, you should probably talk with your parents about it.

Does Evil Dead Rise have Jumpscares? ›

Between the impressive costumes and makeup, jump scares, and unnerving plot, Evil Dead Rise is a show of horror in its prime.

Who got scalped in Evil Dead Rise? ›

You know, Jessica: the sun hat-clad bookend to Lee Cronin's splatter-ific “Evil Dead Rise,” played by Anna-Maree Thomas. The character appears possessed in the film's prologue, kicking off the vicious city-slicking sequel as its first Deadite with a gruesome scalping and decapitation scene set at a remote lake cabin.

Is there vomit in Evil Dead Rise? ›

A woman is decapitated using a chainsaw. A woman repeatedly vomits after becoming possessed.

What is the scariest part of Evil Dead Rise? ›

1 The Final Showdown

The battle that transpires between Beth and the monster is terrifying and gruesome, and it's full of Easter eggs to the original Evil Dead films. The Deadites seem unstoppable, leading many fans to wonder if Beth would actually beat the beast.

What's scarier, Evil Dead or Evil Dead Rise? ›

Evil Dead Rise Is Way Scarier Than Sam Raimi's Original Movies. When compared to Sam Raimi's original Evil Dead movies, Evil Dead Rise is way scarier. While the original The Evil Dead was mainly a horror film, its low budget and over-the-top gore gave it some comedic qualities.

Why isn t Ash in Evil Dead Rise? ›

The actor explained, "I'm done playing Ash, so that determines a lot of where we go with the franchise without that character, but there are more stories." However, Evil Dead Rise was a phenomenal success, making almost $150 million worldwide (via Box Office Mojo), despite having a budget of just $15 million.

Are The Evil Dead movies worth watching? ›

Sam Raimi's feature length debut "The Evil Dead" is truly one of the greatest horror films of all time and the start of a magnificently entertaining trilogy of hilarity and some real scares.

Is The Evil Dead inappropriate? ›

Very violent and gory. There are several instances of possessed being picking up and throwing other characters at objects or otherwise hitting them and abusing them. A possessed woman stabs another woman in the ankle with a pencil, and thick blood oozes out of the wound as she screams in pain.


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Introduction: My name is Duncan Muller, I am a enchanting, good, gentle, modern, tasty, nice, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.